So we're still at the kibbutz, still attempting to figure the immediate future out. At this point in time we have approximately four options - three of which involve goat farms, and one of which involves volunteering on Noam's sister's kibbutz with a center for mentally handicapped people.
The weather, although cold for Israeli standards, has been relatively pleasant. Much warmer than in Spain, that's for sure. And even though we've had epic rainstorms in the past week-ish (again, for Israeli standards - think as much rain in the desert in a few days as normally for a whole year). The rain here is easier to accept in many ways because it's such a dry region. At any rate, I'm focusing on reading, sleeping, and trying to feel healthier mentally and physically. Mostly we're just trying to figure out what will come next, and I'm trying to not obsess over it.
We're looking forward to an exciting visit of one Caroline M in about a week and a half, which should finally bring about my first visit to Jerusalem. Hebrew continues to be a difficult language, and Noam's relatives have decided that it's amusing that I can gurgle out some words occasionally. I think I need to be in a class or spoken to constantly in Hebrew for anything new to sink in.
At any rate, still trying to figure out what sort of work I can do here and/or in the states in the coming months. (Eek). No news on that front! Hopefully within the next week we'll go to another place to volunteer. Until then!
(or, infrequent ruminations about my departure
from the "academic" and new england world)
25 January 2010
14 January 2010
"Why do the cults get all the good real estate?" - Noam
So, long story short we left Spain and came back to Israel.
It wasn't what you would call an easy decision, but it was the one we made and now we are here. After 36 long hours of travel.
At this moment, we are still fighting the bed bugs (as the giant welts on my side attest), and I am hopeful that we will kill them all. I am simultaneously terrified that we'll accidentally spread them to Noam's parent's house. As for now, we are biding our time catching up on sleep, and then we will figure out what our plan of action is for now until early February, when we hope to return to the small village of Ezuz in the Negev Desert and work on a goat farm there. Our current plan is to continue to Wwoof and look for other possible volunteer opportunities in Israel until late April (maybe earlier maybe later, depending on if we change the plane ticket), hopefully with some solidarity or peace-building initiatives as well.
The title of this post however, "Why do cults get all the good real estate?" (Noam's impeccable observation after being at our final Spanish farm for approximately 12 hours) deserves some amusing attention and explanation:
Our last farm, although also breathtakingly beautiful (perched on top of the Mediterranean Sea with direct access to a pebble beach and terraced gardens undulating toward the sea) was actually a small community of Spanish cult-ish (?) Messianaic Christians who were hardcore pro-modern Zionists and Israeli-violence-enthusiasts believing in Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer's German New Medicine. (Also, there was yet again no toilet...not even an ecological toilet...just you, a pickaxe, and the hard earth)
[Side note> Google or Wikipedia: German New Medicine. It's a crazy following based on "5 Iron Laws of Biology" pioneered by Dr. Hamer that supposedly prove that the entirety of the current medical insitution's ideas of disease, particularly cancer, is completely wrong. It says that disease comes from emotional shock and everything can be seen through interlocking levels of our psyche, our brain, and an organ. In short, cancer is all in our head as is most disease...I was told that I just need to remember the "tragic" incident that happened to me when I was little when cats were around, stop believing in allergies because they're in my imagination, and then I would be cured of my cat allergies.]
In actuality, the people were really really nice (except for some of the moody, reticent children and what I can only describe as the older man who seemed to be the ringleader and spiritual guide of the group), but as soon as they started talking (i.e. lecturing) about anything involving politics, religion, or medicine, our views could not have been further apart. The description of the farm prior to our arrival was, of course, completely innocuous and contained nothing alluding to its ideology.
And, let's be honest, one can only take so much of preaching, conspiracy theories, (prolonged bedbugs even though you tried to treat them), and being told that you don't actually know anything about your religion or homeland (this goes for one of them speaking at Noam, not for me, although since this was a lecture in Spanish I was the only one who got the full, delightful details of the tirade) before it's time to pack up and go, no matter how nice or helpful they are in other aspects of your living situation and learning.
Add to that general mix of issues: unseasonably shitty, cold weather for Andalucia, not getting the types of learning experiences we wanted on the farms, us "hemorrhaging" money because of how expensive things were (oh Europe), the unavailability of our top-choice farms, bed bugs, and having changed locations 4 times in ~ 3 weeks, and you have the highly volatile combo leading to let's go back to Israel where there are still other desirable opps for volunteering and learning.
All in all, the situation's been rather comical. We wish we could have stayed, but it felt like it was time to leave to Spain. At least on my behalf, I can certainly say I look forward to visiting Spain's southern Costa del Sol and Costa Tropical, but hopefully next time with better times more suiting of the names!
It wasn't what you would call an easy decision, but it was the one we made and now we are here. After 36 long hours of travel.
At this moment, we are still fighting the bed bugs (as the giant welts on my side attest), and I am hopeful that we will kill them all. I am simultaneously terrified that we'll accidentally spread them to Noam's parent's house. As for now, we are biding our time catching up on sleep, and then we will figure out what our plan of action is for now until early February, when we hope to return to the small village of Ezuz in the Negev Desert and work on a goat farm there. Our current plan is to continue to Wwoof and look for other possible volunteer opportunities in Israel until late April (maybe earlier maybe later, depending on if we change the plane ticket), hopefully with some solidarity or peace-building initiatives as well.
The title of this post however, "Why do cults get all the good real estate?" (Noam's impeccable observation after being at our final Spanish farm for approximately 12 hours) deserves some amusing attention and explanation:
Our last farm, although also breathtakingly beautiful (perched on top of the Mediterranean Sea with direct access to a pebble beach and terraced gardens undulating toward the sea) was actually a small community of Spanish cult-ish (?) Messianaic Christians who were hardcore pro-modern Zionists and Israeli-violence-enthusiasts believing in Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer's German New Medicine. (Also, there was yet again no toilet...not even an ecological toilet...just you, a pickaxe, and the hard earth)
[Side note> Google or Wikipedia: German New Medicine. It's a crazy following based on "5 Iron Laws of Biology" pioneered by Dr. Hamer that supposedly prove that the entirety of the current medical insitution's ideas of disease, particularly cancer, is completely wrong. It says that disease comes from emotional shock and everything can be seen through interlocking levels of our psyche, our brain, and an organ. In short, cancer is all in our head as is most disease...I was told that I just need to remember the "tragic" incident that happened to me when I was little when cats were around, stop believing in allergies because they're in my imagination, and then I would be cured of my cat allergies.]
In actuality, the people were really really nice (except for some of the moody, reticent children and what I can only describe as the older man who seemed to be the ringleader and spiritual guide of the group), but as soon as they started talking (i.e. lecturing) about anything involving politics, religion, or medicine, our views could not have been further apart. The description of the farm prior to our arrival was, of course, completely innocuous and contained nothing alluding to its ideology.
And, let's be honest, one can only take so much of preaching, conspiracy theories, (prolonged bedbugs even though you tried to treat them), and being told that you don't actually know anything about your religion or homeland (this goes for one of them speaking at Noam, not for me, although since this was a lecture in Spanish I was the only one who got the full, delightful details of the tirade) before it's time to pack up and go, no matter how nice or helpful they are in other aspects of your living situation and learning.
Add to that general mix of issues: unseasonably shitty, cold weather for Andalucia, not getting the types of learning experiences we wanted on the farms, us "hemorrhaging" money because of how expensive things were (oh Europe), the unavailability of our top-choice farms, bed bugs, and having changed locations 4 times in ~ 3 weeks, and you have the highly volatile combo leading to let's go back to Israel where there are still other desirable opps for volunteering and learning.
All in all, the situation's been rather comical. We wish we could have stayed, but it felt like it was time to leave to Spain. At least on my behalf, I can certainly say I look forward to visiting Spain's southern Costa del Sol and Costa Tropical, but hopefully next time with better times more suiting of the names!
05 January 2010
First two weeks in Spain: a Photo Essay

by the pool, catching some Mediterranean sun.

03 January 2010
Happy New Year from España!
So, we indeed are in Spain and having a nice time although we are not exactly where we expected to be at this moment in time.
After an uneventful arrival to Madrid and 7 hour bus ride to the beachside "resort town" of Marbella on the Costa del Sol (Sunny Coast), we were greeted by 6 straight days of pouring rain.
Thankfully we arrived the day beofre the hurricane-windstorm-all-out-weather-disaster struck all of Europe, because otherwise we would have been trapped in an airport somewhere for a day or two due to all the flight and train cancellations. At any rate, our beachside stay consisted largely of cooking delicious food, watching tv, marveling at the sky's capacity for letting out water, and running between the raindrops to the indoor pool and exercise rooms at the hotel timeshare. We managed to go for a few walks in between the stormy parts, but all in all we stayed inside.
Then last Saturday morning we set off for our first Wwoofing experience in Spain, to a small village in the coastal mountains called Torrox. We purchased a cell phone (you may now call us if you wish), got rained on, and finally arrived, after many gruff miscommunications, to the village and eventually into our farmer's car and to his house. As per usual since we arrived to Spain, it started raining, so we just had a minute to set our stuff down in our camper and head back to the farmer's house to eat our late lunch. The farmer was nice enough, but he was quite gruff and explaining tasks to be done was not exactly his forte.
However, the location was absolutely beautiful. We were perched on a mountainside with additional mountains behind us, looking out toward a lush green valley leading out to the seaside town of Nerja and a large expanse of the Mediterranean Sea. And we got to watch sunrise for each of the precisely three days we spent there.
Why three days? Well the work was enjoyable enough, but our accommodations just weren't cutting it. A very cramped, moldy mobile home with a woodstove installed and a rickety, movable gas range. No electricity, and the bathroom was an ecological toilet about 50 meters down a slippery hill. It should be mentioned that our first task on Wednesday was reconstructing out of reed, plastic, twine, and rocks, a teepee around the ecological toilet (hole in the ground) to shelter us from, you know, everyone on the mountains around us seeing our bare butts as we went to the bathroom. The caravan was kind of comical in that on the one hand, it seemed cozy, but on the other, the wind and rain entered through various unseen entrance ways and at any minute the wind seemed like it might just blow us off the hill. And although the shared meal was delicious (when we had them), it was completely at random.
But, it was so beautiful there. Seriously, my words do not do it justice. However, as soon as the night struck (those 14 hours of the day it was dark with our Czech Soviet-made kerosene lamp) and possibly the fleas (?) or some other rash or small bugs hit, we decided it was time to go. So we began calling our other choices, only to not get ahold of the right people, and eventually in circles we went until one farmer we had chosen recommended us another farmer named Constantine.
After a mysterious journey through several different towns and getting picked up by car in another, we were finally picked up and brought to Orgiva by our new farmer, German expat former-priest, did-I-mention-German?, very erratic, pedantic, forgetful and kind Constantine. And here we have been since. We are helping with odds and ends around the house and land and enjoying our time very much, although we weren't exactly itching to be with expats. Since before we arrived Constantine has had house guests of a family of Swedes (a couple and their 12-year old son), and it has been quite amusing here all around.
We had a lovely New Year's Dinner with all of them which involved lots of seafood (Noam lost out on that one), and we have been hoping for southern Spain's famous Mediterranean weather to kick in sometime soon. In short, aside from yesterday and this morning, it's been pure rain, fog, and icy wind since we arrived (and by icy I mean the likes of 40 degree temperatures not including windchill...). Now we plan on being here for probably another week and then taking off to who-knows-where, although with a little luck the sun will finally come out to stay.
After an uneventful arrival to Madrid and 7 hour bus ride to the beachside "resort town" of Marbella on the Costa del Sol (Sunny Coast), we were greeted by 6 straight days of pouring rain.
Thankfully we arrived the day beofre the hurricane-windstorm-all-out-weather-disaster struck all of Europe, because otherwise we would have been trapped in an airport somewhere for a day or two due to all the flight and train cancellations. At any rate, our beachside stay consisted largely of cooking delicious food, watching tv, marveling at the sky's capacity for letting out water, and running between the raindrops to the indoor pool and exercise rooms at the hotel timeshare. We managed to go for a few walks in between the stormy parts, but all in all we stayed inside.
Then last Saturday morning we set off for our first Wwoofing experience in Spain, to a small village in the coastal mountains called Torrox. We purchased a cell phone (you may now call us if you wish), got rained on, and finally arrived, after many gruff miscommunications, to the village and eventually into our farmer's car and to his house. As per usual since we arrived to Spain, it started raining, so we just had a minute to set our stuff down in our camper and head back to the farmer's house to eat our late lunch. The farmer was nice enough, but he was quite gruff and explaining tasks to be done was not exactly his forte.
However, the location was absolutely beautiful. We were perched on a mountainside with additional mountains behind us, looking out toward a lush green valley leading out to the seaside town of Nerja and a large expanse of the Mediterranean Sea. And we got to watch sunrise for each of the precisely three days we spent there.
Why three days? Well the work was enjoyable enough, but our accommodations just weren't cutting it. A very cramped, moldy mobile home with a woodstove installed and a rickety, movable gas range. No electricity, and the bathroom was an ecological toilet about 50 meters down a slippery hill. It should be mentioned that our first task on Wednesday was reconstructing out of reed, plastic, twine, and rocks, a teepee around the ecological toilet (hole in the ground) to shelter us from, you know, everyone on the mountains around us seeing our bare butts as we went to the bathroom. The caravan was kind of comical in that on the one hand, it seemed cozy, but on the other, the wind and rain entered through various unseen entrance ways and at any minute the wind seemed like it might just blow us off the hill. And although the shared meal was delicious (when we had them), it was completely at random.
But, it was so beautiful there. Seriously, my words do not do it justice. However, as soon as the night struck (those 14 hours of the day it was dark with our Czech Soviet-made kerosene lamp) and possibly the fleas (?) or some other rash or small bugs hit, we decided it was time to go. So we began calling our other choices, only to not get ahold of the right people, and eventually in circles we went until one farmer we had chosen recommended us another farmer named Constantine.
After a mysterious journey through several different towns and getting picked up by car in another, we were finally picked up and brought to Orgiva by our new farmer, German expat former-priest, did-I-mention-German?, very erratic, pedantic, forgetful and kind Constantine. And here we have been since. We are helping with odds and ends around the house and land and enjoying our time very much, although we weren't exactly itching to be with expats. Since before we arrived Constantine has had house guests of a family of Swedes (a couple and their 12-year old son), and it has been quite amusing here all around.
We had a lovely New Year's Dinner with all of them which involved lots of seafood (Noam lost out on that one), and we have been hoping for southern Spain's famous Mediterranean weather to kick in sometime soon. In short, aside from yesterday and this morning, it's been pure rain, fog, and icy wind since we arrived (and by icy I mean the likes of 40 degree temperatures not including windchill...). Now we plan on being here for probably another week and then taking off to who-knows-where, although with a little luck the sun will finally come out to stay.
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